Your Treasure is Within

Do not focus on things of this world which are replaceable.  Focus instead on that which will be with you through eternity – your soul.   For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. – 1 Timothy 6:7

Luke 12:13-21 tells the parable of the Rich Fool.   A rich man was blessed with an abundant harvest.  So much that he had no place to store the yields of his harvest.  His immediate thought was of himself.  He would tear down his existing storage places to construct bigger facilities to house his crops.   He would then have plenty in which he could live on.  Take life easy, drink and be merry. –Luke 12:19   

God thwarted his plans taking his life that night. 

Big Picture

The rich man was focused on storing up things that have no eternal value.  He failed to see the big picture.  God gives you things in this world to test you.  He tests you to see what is within your heart and focus.  Focus should be on your soul which is everlasting.  Your soul will be with you for eternity.  What are you doing in this world to build up your soul?  How are you feeding your light? 

God allows you to amass wealth and things here to test you.  He will test you with little to see how you will respond.  You think your little is a lot; however, it is nothing compared to what you can receive.  It is only the beginning.  Do not waste time storing up treasures in this world that will fade away to be passed along to others who may not be appreciative of the fruits of your labor.  Instead seek to share with others.  Help to build up God’s kingdom by adding value to others.  Be a resource and not a reservoir.   The treasure you amass is that which is within you, not things.  What is within you is so much greater than the things you will acquire in this world.