Have Faith – Your Bones Will Live

The Lord set Ezekiel down in the middle of the valley that was full of many human bones.  They were very dry bones.  The owners had suffered a deplorable death that had occurred some time ago. The Lord said to Ezekiel “Son of man, can these bones live?” – Ezekiel 37:8 

Have Faith

As you are faced with discouragement, distress and uncertainty, ask yourself, will your bones live?  Will you survive the storm, overcoming your challengers? The answer is yes. Cling to your hope and faith.   You are an Overcomer; thus, you will come out better and stronger.  Do not doubt, believe in what can be not focusing on that which is. 

Have Faith, Belief and Hope

Have Faith, Belief and Hope

Ezekiel prophesied, the bones came together, sinew, flesh and skin covering the bones.  All of the bones that came together, not one was missing.  God breathed life into the bones, the Spirit of Life.  The bones formed into an exceedingly great army.  God takes out little and makes it abundant.  You have all that you need to live, living a life of abundance.   You have been blessed with the Spirit of Life.  You are greater than any obstacle or challenge.  With faith, belief and hope, nothing is impossible.  God will breathe life into you bones and you will live.

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2 thoughts on “Have Faith – Your Bones Will Live”

    1. I thank you for your dedication to returning. Your words inspire me to continue writing.

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