You Will Receive

In 2 Kings 5, Naaman, a great military leader suffered from leprosy.  He sought healing from the prophet Elisha and was healed.  Naaman attempted to pay Elisha for the healing to which Elisha refused to accept payment.  He stated “As surely as the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will not accept a thing.” -2 Kings 5:16

Naaman continued to press Elisha to no avail.  Elisha would not budge in his stance thus Naaman departed to return to his home.  Gehazi, a servant of Elisha, was greedy.  He stated “As the Lord lives, I will run after him and get something from him.” – 2 Kings 5:20  Gehazi hurried after Naaman to obtain money and gifts.  Gehazi falsely used his master, Elisha, to obtain the gifts and money for himself.

He took the money and gifts home, thinking he was hiding his greed from Elisha.   Gehazi returned back to Elisha who questioned where had he been.  Gehazi blinded by greed thought he could lie.  He responded that he had not been anywhere.   Elisha knew what he had done.  He had taken gifts and money from Naaman.   Elisha cursed Gehazi with leprosy because of his greed and dishonesty.

As with Gehazi, do not allow greed of money and things to be your downfall.  You will receive what you need and more.  In Genesis 13:17 God said to Abram “for I will give it to you.”  God already knows what that which you will receive.  He knows what you need and when you will need it. You must prepare yourself to receive the “it.”  Do not allow greed to cloud your judgement. For that which is for you, you will receive.