You Must Endure “The Process”

God issues the promise and then prepares the person to realize the promise. There is a gap between issuance and realization. This gap is “The Process.”  You must go through the process to receive the promise.  Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.-Psalm 37:5

Joseph endured imprisonment and being a servant prior to becoming a great leader in Egypt.  He saved his people from famine including his family who were the catalyst to his journey.  Daniel was in a foreign land away from his parents and family, made into a eunuch; however, he left behind a legacy, becoming a great prophet.  

Jacob fled from his homeland.  He stopped for the night to rest.  During the night he had a dream.  God said to him “ I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land.  I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.” – Genesis 28:15  For each of these examples, all needed to develop qualities to handle their promise. 

God puts us through a process.  You must endure the process to receive what God has for you.  Persevere because you are forsaken or forgotten but are being developed and molded for your promise.   Remain steadfast, enduring the process.

1 thought on “You Must Endure “The Process””

  1. Praise God that He is with us throughout our life journey so we can endure and be all He has created for us to be!🙏🏾

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