You Have a Vision

It all starts with a vision.  A vision is what you see with your soul and spirit.  Not visible with your physical eyes.  It is hope and believing in what is invisible becoming visible.  The vision requires using the power of will. The power of will feeds off the painted picture from your mind and spirit. It is the picture that you must pursue.  Your definite major purpose causing you to have unabated persistence.

“The most pathetic person in the world is some one who has sight but no vision.”― Helen Keller

Manifest that which you believe.

Believing and faith manifest the vision. Manifestation occurs by tapping into your mind and the Source making it happen.  Your mind and the Source will reveal the actions and provide the resources needed making it possible.  

Vision becomes a reality.

Nehemiah, a cupbearer for the king, had a vision.  He had the vision to rebuilt the walls in Jerusalem.  He believed and it came to pass.   Nehemiah had favor with the king enabling him to take a leave of absence from his post to travel to Jerusalem. The resources needed to rebuild the walls were provided by the Persian empire.  Nehemiah manifested through believe and faith what was required to make the vision a reality.

There will be opposition and setbacks.

The walls were reconstructed in fifty-two days.  Realizing his vision was not easy.  Nehemiah faced opposition and danger continuing to press forward. He believed in his definite major purpose. Knew it could be accomplished.  He used the power of will. Nehemiah took responsibility and action.

Believe in the vision.

As with Nehemiah, you have a vision.  Believe in your vision and it shall come to pass.  Use the power of will, believe in your definite major purpose and have unabated persistence. Do not allow opposition or the lack of resources to detour you.  Have faith and believe making it become a reality. Believe in you, have hope, know that you can do it and that you have access to the Source. Your vision is obtainable and achievable. Make it happen.