You Chose – Draw back or Stand

There is no escaping the storms and trials of life.  Storms and challenges are part of the life development.  Life requires that you go through to become you.  Claiming your prize. Run in such a way to get the prize. -1 Cor 9:24

I cannot recall any prize that was easy to obtain.  Prizes dictate expending work and effort.

Shrink back

To claim your prize, you will have to decide if you will stand or shrink back.  Shrinking back displeases God. You are turning your back on God. Not believing and trusting in him.  God does not put you through that which you unable to recover and endure.  Shrinking back means that you do not believe in him and you.     


Standing means you have faith.  Faith is power, strength and trust.  Placing your faith in the knowing.  Knowing him and knowing yourself. Success is achievable. Keep pressing forward. Use your spirit to see.  Looking to what cannot be seen requires faith.   Faith yields hope.  Hope results in realization.     

The Victory

Just recently, I almost shrank back.  Consumed by what man thinks instead of consumed by what God knows. Overwhelmed with anxiety and fear.  I temporarily lost focus.  I went to the word and God.  God and his word is bigger and stronger than any storm. I made my storm bigger than God. I turned it around, standing to realize my victory.


There is no avoiding adversity.  It is how you chose to handle the challenges that will impact your outcome.  Choose to draw back or keep forging ahead. 

But we are not those who draw back and are destroyed, but those who have faith and are saved. -Hebrews 10:39