You are to Bear Fruit

This coming Sunday is Easter.  Commemorating life, hope and truth.  Celebrating God who took the form of a man.  He took the form of a man to lay down his life so that you could have life and be free from sin.  A life unselfishly sacrificed for you – the fruit that was birthed.  

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. -John 12:24

Be the product.

You are not to die to bear fruit.  You bear fruit by the life that you live and the impact that you make in this world.  Be impactful in the difference that you make in your community and environment.  You are not to be a product of your environment but be the product in your environment. 


You are to plant seeds that will result in a harvest.  A harvest that encourages and empowers others. The goal is to create a domino effect.  As you unselfishly serve and seek to help others to live a life that is worthy of the calling of their creation, others will follow your example. As others follow, it will spread throughout our world. Every person has a purpose.  It is for that purpose that you strive to achieve every day.  

To bear fruit requires that you plant seeds.  Seeds that will yield a harvest.  The harvest is the others that you help.  The lives that you touch. 

The challenge.

This week, I challenge you to spend time reflecting and evaluating on the fruit that you are bearing.  Evaluate what is being produced in and through you.  You have gifts that are to be used to aid in making this world a better place.  Helping and serving others.  This is your purpose in life – living to bear fruit. 

There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It’s why you were born. And how you become most truly alive. – Oprah Winfrey