Walk this Way

Do what God says.  Doing what he says results in what you need being provided. He will pull you through the obstacles and adversity to the way that you are to go.  

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your eyes will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” -Isaiah 30:21


God provides to make your way be fruitful and prosperous.  His way leads to providing you with the sustenance and resources to make want you desire achievable.   

Failing to follow him will cause you to be in distress.  Distressed over the indecisiveness on the way to go. Leaning in to God will show you the way. Tap into the source. God equips you with wisdom and knowledge to lead you in the direction that you should go.    

Lean In

Leaning into your understanding, causes you to look to man and things that will fade and pass away.  You become anxious.  Mind is filled with worrying.  Worrying about things that do not matter.  Worrying about outcomes that God has already determined.  If you just follow Him, you will receive what he is providing.  Failing to follow will cause you miss out on the way.  The way that will lead to abundance, success and achievement.  Walk his way not your way.