What You Have Been Gifted

Use What You Have Been Gifted.

Action must become a habit.  The word action is alive and vibrant.  You cannot travel through life playing it safe. You must be willing to sacrifice and take risks using what you have been gifted.  You must use the talents that you have been gifted otherwise, they will be taken away.  There are two parables that speak to using what you have been gifted.  Matthew 25, The Parable of the Bags of Gold and Luke 19, Parable of the Ten Minas.  In each parable a person had been gifted with mina(s) or bag(s) of gold.  Each was given according to their talent.  Out of the 5 gifted, four doubled what they had been given except one from each group.  The one person from each parable determined that the master or ruler was stern, unreasonable and selfish.  It was believed that they reaped what was not sown.  At the very least, each man could have at least done the minimum which would have been below average, depositing the money in the bank gaining a minimal return.  Instead each man elected to adopt an attitude of mediocrity.  Thus, the master or king judged each man by his own words. 

The master or king took away the minas or bag of gold from each, gifting to the one who already had much.  Each man exclaimed but why, he already had much.  Jesus stated, “I tell you that to everyone who has (because he has valued his gifts from God and has used them wisely), more will be given; but the from the one who does not have because he disregarded his gifts from God, even what he has will be taken away.” Luke 19:26.  Both men in each parable missed out on opportunity, not using their potential.    They both neglected to use what had been gifted.  The other men immediately took action, putting what they had been gifted to work.

God gifts each of us with talents, it is for you to use those talents to the fullest, developing an action of habit not settling for mediocrity.  Each of us will be held accountable for how we used what has been gifted, adding value to this world.  Each one of us is needed to make this world better.  I challenge you each day to make action a habit, propelling you forward using your gifts.  Using what you have been gifted or it will be taken away.      

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1 thought on “Use What You Have Been Gifted.”

  1. Love this! Absolutely! Wise words and so appropriate to those looking for their purpose, look inside at what you already have been given.

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