United We Will Stand

In John 17, Jesus was praying prior to his death.  He said to the Father “May they all be one as you Father, are in me and I am in you.” – John 17:21 Jesus desired for us to be united and be one with the Father. 

In this world we have team sports, i.e. football, hockey, basketball, etc.  The ultimate purpose of the team is to score and be the winner.  No matter the type of sport, the team unites.  They stand together in pursuit of their purpose. Take this same analogy of teams and apply to mankind.  The people of this world are diverse but we have similarities and an underlying purpose.  Our underlying purpose is to make this world better, adding value and valuing every person.  The effectiveness of fulfilling purpose is unification. We must unite and serve in unity. We have a cause that is greater than one person.  It will take everyone working together-collaborating, connecting and partnering.  With the current state of our world that is facing uncertainty and fighting a pandemic, we can overcome being united.  

History shows that there is power in being unified.  In the 1950s and 1960s, the U.S. made strides to become “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”  The fight began to combat discrimination against blacks that was launched by President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.   The Montgomery Bus Boycott ended Jim Crow laws and segregation.  Legislation was passed to correct and address women inequality, i.e. Equal Pay Act and Executive Order 11375.  When people unite, change and transformation can occur.  Let us stand together and make this world a better place.

4 thoughts on “United We Will Stand”

  1. Wendy -Team Jubilation- Queen Esther's Academy

    Absolutely True! So true. And beautifully stated!

    We must remember we are ALL God’s family. United for HIM
    When they asked Jesus which is the greatest commandment he reminded them of the importance of loving the Father will all your heart mind and Soul and strengthl!
    And the second is to love your neighbor AS yourself!
    Thank you Lord for bringing us all together as your body, the body of Christ! Please help us all to remember this. Amen

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