Turn Your Back

By faith Moses, when he had grown up refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. -Hebrews 11:24 

Moses preferred to endure the hardship of the people instead following Pharaoh. Following Pharaoh would have resulted in immediate gratification.  Instead, Moses God striving for the long-term reward. 

See with Spirit

Moses looked beyond the natural sight to see the long-term reward.  Moses looked with his spirit.  The reward seen with the spirit was so much greater than what he could physically see.  What was now could not compare to the future.  Like Moses, you will need to look beyond.  Look beyond so that you can obtain greater.  What is visible now is fleeing, It will fade away.  You will be settling for mediocrity. A passing fancy that will lose its luster. 

Immediate gratification

Stop settling for immediate gratification instead strive for a long-term harvest.  A teenager sees the immediate reward of a job.  Enticed by the money. Becoming distracted from more. Becoming more and doing more. A burglar steals to get what he wants instead of putting in the work to obtain it.  The burglar misses out on being more.

Say no to settling.

Settling for now causes missed opportunities and unused potential. Enticed by less when you can achieve greater. Moses realized greater by turning his back on Pharaoh.  You will have to turn your back in order to achieve greater.  Settling undervalues you. Press forward to live the life that is for you. Turn your back on settling.