Time to Prune

“I am the vine and my father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful” (John 15:1-2, NIV).

Pruning helps in shaping and building character.  It encourages development and directing of energy for productivity. The pruning process removes what hinders development. Development and the producing of fruit. 

New possibilities

There are areas in your life that require pruning. You are at the beginning of a new year. A new year with new possibilities that requires removing unnecessary weight.  Weight that hinders the achievement of outcomes.

You have the potential to be fruitful. 

  • Connected to an infinite source
  • Nurtured by a father who is caring
  • Access to the promise
  • Driving purpose


What stops you from producing is you. Holding on to comfortability. Reflect to identify actions, behaviors and habits that cause you to hold on to what is not working. Prune what is not working. It will be painful. Keep your focus on the outcome – a great harvest. A great harvest results from capitalizing on new opportunities and possibilities in the new year.


Remove what is not working. Weight holding you back from producing greater outcomes and expanding your vision. Follow these two steps. One, prune the excess weight. Two, set goals and develop a plan that moves you forward to level up. The outcome is taping into dormant potential.

You owe it to you to level up in 2024.

Happy New Year.