Time for Action

In the book of Esther, Haman had duped King Xerxes to sign an edict that would annihilate the Jews.  Mordecai was in deep distress.  He tore his clothes, putting on sackcloth and ashes.  Esther unaware of the edict and seeing Mordecai in distress, sent one of her servants to find out the reason.  Mordecai informed the servant of the edict and sought to beseech Esther to speak with the king to save her people.  Esther first thought was of herself. Seeking the counsel of the king without being summoned could result in her death.   However, her life was already at risk due to the edict. Mordecai responded, “Don’t think you will escape the fate of all the Jews because you are in the king’s palace. –Esther 4:12

Mordecai’s words snapped Esther backed to reality.  Esther was queen but a Jew thus the edict applied to her as well. She would not be exempt.   This was her time to act.  Her failing to act could result in great peril for herself and her people.  Yes, she would be taking a risk in approaching the king; however, this was a risk worthy of undertaking.  The rewards far outweighed the costs.

As with Esther, you will have to take action.  You cannot remain on the sidelines waiting for someone to take the action. You must be the one that acts. -Barack Obama Take time this week to reflect on what you need to be acting on but are not.  It is time for you to act.  As with Esther, Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this. -Esther 4:14