Think Limitless

In the book of Esther, there is the story of Mordecai.  Mordecai was the cousin of Esther who was her guardian due to the death of her parents.  He mentored Esther, aiding her in developing into the person that she needed to be for her assignment.  This is not the subject of this blog today.  Mordecai started out daily sitting at the king’s gate.  He was on the outside looking in.  He moved up from sitting at the gate to looking at the gate.  Mordecai became second in command of the kingdom.

From where you start is not where you will go.  Believe in the greatness that is within you.  Stand firm to your belief, principles and faith.  You will be rewarded.  You will live in your purpose.  Do not place limits on yourself where there are no limits. Mordecai became a great leader.  He was instrumental in saving his people and the king.  Mordecai did not allow his position of sitting at the gate to hold him back. He did not place a ceiling on what he could do and how he could be used. 

As with Mordecai, do not allow your mind or your environment to hold you back. When a man has put a limit on what he will do, he has put a limit on what had can do.” – Charles M. Schwab