There is a Process

Esther 2:12-13 outlines the process that a woman had to undertake to be with the king. A woman endured twelve months of beauty treatments, conditioning and grooming – six months with oil of myrrh and six with performs and cosmetics.  After the twelve months of training, Esther got her turn with King Xerxes.  King Xerxes was immediately smitten and enthralled. Esther won his favor and approval resulting in King Xerxes appointing her as his queen. 

Esther underwent the required twelve months of training that culminated in receiving the promise God had for her life. Being obedient and following the process resulted in her appointment, becoming the queen of a kingdom.  This same concept applies to you.  There is a process for you. You will need to endure and undergo the required training to become prepared. You will have to be patient and obedient.  Rushing through, attempting to circumvent the process will result in your missing out on opportunities and not realizing your vision.  Blessed is the one who endures the trials, because when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. – James 1:12


Waiting is hard but wait you must.  For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it testifies and the end and will not lie. Though it delays, wait for it, since it will certainly come and not be late. -Habakkuk 2:3 Spending time in the trenches is a requirement – undergoing the required trained and being groomed. 


Training results in growth and development, your being empowered and equipped to be effective in your role so that you can handle your assignment. Being impatient and lacking in obedience in following the process, will cause you to miss out on the opportunities and not fulfilling your assignment. Imagine if Esther had not followed the process. She would not have been appointed as queen being instrumental in saving her people who would have been annihilated. As with Esther, you must follow the process.