The Promise Requires Taking Initiative

In Genesis 12, God makes the promise to Abram that he would be the father of descendants as plentiful as sand.   The promise is made. You know that God does not lie and His word never fails.  You have access to the One who is able to do all things. In order to realize the promise, Abraham had to take action.  God requires us to show Him that we want it by showing initiative.   You must show that you want what He has in store for you by taking action.  You are starting off the new year.  Start if off by taking action, claiming your promise. 

Abraham had to take the initiative to find Isaac a wife.  He sent his servant out to bring his son back a wife.  Further, Isaac gave the servant specific instructions.  He was not to take a daughter from the Canaanites but a woman from his land and family.  The servant set out, dedicated to the cause.  The servant returned with a wife for Isaac.  This action launched Isaac forward to his promise.    

God makes the promise to you. He can do all things. However, you must do your part by taking the initiative in showing God that you want the promise. There are specific things that you need to do. Follow through and do it. You are at the beginning of a new year. Launch this year taking the required action, the initiative, so that your promise will be realized.