The Pit is Temporary

Joseph had a dream. A dream that he broadcasted to his brothers. His brothers were already resentful of him. His dream added more fuel to the fire. The brothers conspired together throwing Joseph into a pit. From the pit, sold into slavery.

It is for good

The pit was the beginning of his journey to promise and future.  What the brothers intended for harm resulted in benefit for Joseph.  The pit is the catalyst to growth and development. Obtain the skills and training to equip him for the promise. Preparation to answer and accept the calling for his life.

Part of life

Just like Joseph you will encounter pits in your life. Pits are loss of a job, death of a loved one, not being offered a job, bankruptcy and divorce.  Many more examples; however, you get the picture.  Pits are part of life.  There is no avoiding or escaping. You must endure and persevere through your pit to get to the calling for your life.

For good

Do not allow discouragement to have a seat at your table. Do not consider or allow quitting to be an option. Focus on the actions that will get you through the pit.  Know that you will get through.  We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28, NIV). The pit is temporary.  It is the seeding needed to yield the harvest.