The Connection is Everlasting

God extends a connection to you.  A connection that empowers and provides you with strength.  Providing you with life and light.  It is because of your connection that you are able to recover and rebound from what you see as impossible or hopeless.   Nothing is ever hopeless because of the hope that you have in Him. 

In Ezekiel 37:11 the Israelites lost hope and felt cut off from the Lord.   Do not be like the Israelites losing hope in the Lord.  Your connection to God cannot be severed.  Your connection can become unstable when you turn your back on Him.  However, God will never turn his back on you.   He will allow the connection to be loosened where it becomes unstable by not severed.  The connection becomes fuzzy so that you strengthen your relationship with God and build your awareness of Him.  When the connection is distorted, God takes you through a situation to bring you out so that you can see and know his awesome power, love and mercy.  It increases your hope in the unseen being possible. 

The connection is unstable because you failed to do what was commanded of you. You will become discouraged. Do not doubt your succeeding.    The Israelites were scattered to different parts of Babylon but were brought back together.  God puts you back together when you are lost and scattered.  During these times, you must keep an active, living faith in the power and promises of God.  God will keep you.  You will not fade away and die.  God says “I will put my Spirit in you and you will live.” –Ezekiel 37:14 

Your connection is everlasting and will not be severed.