Tap Into Potential

Each day you should be intentional in learning and growing, pursuing your passion and fulfilling your purpose. Benjamin Franklin states “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”  As you continue to grow you’re tapping into your potential.  Your potential is limitless, by not growing you are setting boundaries for yourself, hindering your fulfilling the purpose for which you were created. God has planted within us, potential, the potential to become who he has predestined. It is your responsibility to tap into this potential and expand your boundaries.

Recall the Parable of the Ten Minas (Luke 19) and the Parable of the Bags of Gold (Matthew 25), men were gifted with gold or Minas, each was to take the gifts and multiply them. One man in each parable failed to use what he had been gifted. As such, he was thrown out and the talent he had been given was taken away, given to another. These parables apply to each one of us. God has gifted us with talents to use not bury. Your talent will be taken away, given to another who will use it to add value to self and to others. Take the time to invest in the talent planted within you, fulfilling the purpose for which you were created.

I joined the John Maxwell Team as a Coach, Trainer, and Speaker because I seek to add value to others, helping others tap into their talents. John has been teaching about learning, growing, and leadership for over 40 years. He has written over 80 books of which 5 have gone platinum. I wish to share his techniques with each of you, assisting you in your learning and growing.  Each of us must be willing to reach new boundaries, traveling to new territory and stretching. You must be willing to be uncomfortable which leads to growth. Once you become uncomfortable, that is where growth begins. Growth is painful.  Change is Painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.  – Mandy Hale.

I will be hosting a Mastermind on growth, 15 Laws of Invaluable Growth by John C. Maxwell.  The Mastermind will be for four weeks in the month of September, Wednesday or Saturday.  See the flyer under events on this website for further details.  It is called The Mastermind because it will enable you to collaborate and join forces with others who are seeking to grow and learn. Each participant will develop an action plan to become, creating a growth plan for the journey of your life. Ken Robinson states “Most great learning happens in groups.  Collaboration is the stuff of growth.”  The seminar is for four weeks in the month of September, Wednesday or Saturday, click here see the flyer on our Events on this website. The Mastermind will challenge and inspire you.  Email me at hsjacksonbook@gmail.com to register.  I challenge you to go farther, beyond what you can see, tapping into your potential.






