Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Peace in Storms

In Acts 12:1-5, Peter is facing execution for standing firm in his beliefs and purpose. The circumstances are dire. King Herod has executed James, the brother of John, and now Peter is next in line. Despite the impending threat to his life, Peter is sleeping peacefully and deeply between two soldiers.  He is bound with … Read more

Embrace God’s Choice

God chose you. “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight” (Ephesians, 1:4, NIV). See the truth in God’s sovereignty and his purpose for you. Within this scripture lies four profound elements that reveal God’s sovereign purpose in your journey. Understanding God’s Choice … Read more

Aligning 2025 with the Timeless Truth

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom (Psalm 90:12, NIV). This scripture is a reminder to utilize life’s brevity to gain wisdom in how you live. As you enter this new year, look beyond making resolutions to instead creating goals that unite finite time and eternal purpose. Building … Read more

Renewal Part II – Renewal & Restoration

  Psalm 23:2 (NIV) states “He leads me beside quiet waters.” What does this tranquil imagery truly signify? This verse evokes a serene scene of a shepherd guiding his sheep to peaceful streams. There is a deeper truth beneath the words. Water Symbolizes The imagery of quiet waters symbolizes more than physical refreshment. It represents … Read more

Embracing Stewardship: Navigating Life’s Gifts with Purpose and Responsibility

King Nebuchadnezzar, in his grandeur, lost sight of the source of the resources and wealth he had accumulated. Surveying his expansive kingdom, he proudly proclaimed, “Is this not the great Babylon that I have constructed as my royal abode, by my own strength, and for the splendor of my majesty?” (Daniel 3:30, NIV). Consequences of … Read more

Beyond the Threshold: Embracing Opportunities for Greatness

In life, you often encounter moments when a door swings open before you.  Stepping into the unknown requiring that you make a decision. Decision that only you can make.  The decision to either cross the threshold or remain where you. Staying behind means succumbing to fear.  Allowing fear to dictate your path and stifle progression. … Read more

Journey is Never Ending

  Jesus said to his disciples “you know the way to the place where I am going” (John 14:4, NIV). You are in control of you. Where you will go.  How far you will go. The where and how are contingent upon your navigation. Navigation requires purpose, management and skill (PMS).  Purpose is the direction.  … Read more

3 Keys to Navigate Life

  You have the three keys to navigating life.  The keys to being impactful.  Striking with purpose. Not drifting without a course.  You are privileged. The three keys are – power, free will and hope. Power True power lies in tapping into the boundless well of infinite potential. Infinite potential by connection to the infinite … Read more