Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Maintain Focus

In Philippians 1:12-18, Paul’s body is confined inside a prison cell, yet his mind and spirit remain unshackled. Paul is not allowing his circumstances to impact his mindset. Paul is writing from prison, a place where many succumb to despair. Yet, his words reflect a mindset of unwavering purpose and hope. He declares, “Now I … Read more

Harnessing Word Patterns for Growth and Positive Outcomes

Words develop into patterns. Patterns that impact behaviors and actions. Actions and behaviors impact outcomes. Jesus says “If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear. Consider carefully what you hear” (Mark 4:23-24, NIV) What is heard does no good unless it is considered.  Take heed to what is heard by proving all things so … Read more

Rise Above: Environment Does Not Dictate Future With Renesia Martin

Change Your View | Renesia Martin | Dictating Your Future

  The future is a book of endless possibilities, with the promise of unwritten chapters waiting to be explored and shaped by our actions today. Business leader, speaker, and author Renesia Martin joins us today to show us that our environment does not dictate the future. She shares what she went through and how she … Read more

Embrace Your Authority: Believe, Become, and Claim Your Prize

  In Matthew 28:18 (NIV) Jesus declares, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” With these words, Jesus empowers his disciples to carry on the work he began.  Passing down authority to every person. It is a reminder that you possess the authority to shape your own destiny. Believe and … Read more