Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

See Beyond Sight Gaining Spiritual Vision

An army surrounds the city of Dotham. Elisha’s servant is frightened at seeing the army so he is overwhelmed with fear. While Elisha sees beyond the immediate danger. He states “Don’t be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kings 6:16, NIV). Elisha’s response challenges us to … Read more

Empowering Perspectives: Choosing ‘Can’ Over ‘If’

In Mark 9: 14-29, a father is seeking healing for his son.  The disciples cannot help.  The father is discouraged on his son being cured. He seeks out Jesus for help. The father says to Jesus if you can do anything to help, please do so.  Jesus replies “If you can? Everything is possible for … Read more

Pour Your Oil

Do not ask for a few.  The word “few” limits.  It means consisting of or amounting to only a small number. Thinking small stifles productivity and progression.  In 2 Kings 4:1-7, tells the story of the widow with oil.  Her husband had obediently served the Lord. He died leaving her in debt.  Creditors demanding payment.  … Read more

3 B’s – Believe, Belong and Become

A new year with new possibilities.  Possibilities realized by incorporating the three b’s – believe, belong and become.  What does this mean? Believe in you.  Within you is greatness and potential that is dormant. Dormant waiting on you to unleash that will enable you to soar to the next level in your life. Listen here to … Read more