Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Peace in Storms

In Acts 12:1-5, Peter is facing execution for standing firm in his beliefs and purpose. The circumstances are dire. King Herod has executed James, the brother of John, and now Peter is next in line. Despite the impending threat to his life, Peter is sleeping peacefully and deeply between two soldiers.  He is bound with … Read more

Supporting Women To Success With Alice Pryor

Change Your View - Haseena Shaheed-Jackson | Alice Pryor | Supporting Women

  Women live in a limiting society where their skills and voices are constantly suppressed. Alice Pryor and Haseena Shaheed-Jackson are actively supporting women to rise from their ashes and embrace their own idea of success through their organization, Ava’s Pathways. In this episode, they present their various programs that help women break through the … Read more

Nothing is Impossible

“How can I be sure of this? I am old man and my wife is well along in years” (Luke 1:18, NIV).  Zechariah is skeptical. He and Elizabeth are elderly. Past the age to bear children. Doubt feeds failing You use similar words and have the same perspective as Zechariah.  Doubting God’s will and word. … Read more

Life is Challenges

Life challenges are a part of life.  There are no escaping challenges. Challenges are the results of stressors that cause stress.  Equip yourself to withstand the stress. You can bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising by identifying methods that will enable you to cope. This means that you must tap into your inner strength to … Read more