Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Journey is Never Ending

  Jesus said to his disciples “you know the way to the place where I am going” (John 14:4, NIV). You are in control of you. Where you will go.  How far you will go. The where and how are contingent upon your navigation. Navigation requires purpose, management and skill (PMS).  Purpose is the direction.  … Read more

Life is Challenges

Life challenges are a part of life.  There are no escaping challenges. Challenges are the results of stressors that cause stress.  Equip yourself to withstand the stress. You can bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising by identifying methods that will enable you to cope. This means that you must tap into your inner strength to … Read more

Supporting Cast Members Aid in Moving Forward

God grants the authority to people. He places people in positions of power. God grants authority to fulfill His purpose and will. There are individuals who seek to fool and distract you in thinking they are in control. They are the source of their power. Know that God is in charge.  There is a plethora … Read more