Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Inner and External Harmony Together Produces Completion

Striving for harmony within yourself and with others is a noble pursuit.  Harmony does not equate to complacency. True harmony is found in a state of peace and love, where you navigate relationships with understanding and empathy. You may not always agree with everyone.  Embracing love for every individual, regardless of differences, mirrors the unconditional … Read more

Get Synchronized

The Israelites greatly outnumbered the Egyptians.  They could easily have rebelled and overpowered the Egyptians.  What kept them imprisoned was their mindset.  Their mindset determined their beliefs.  The Egyptians were able to program the minds of the Israelites.  Programming them to believe that they were inferior and slaves.  The king of Egypt created the program … Read more