Strive for Better and More

Do not be complacent with what you have.  Use what you have to become better and pursuing more. To see more, become more and do more.   God grants and provides to test determination and will. Will you choose to settle or push forward to achieve more. Settling with what has been provided and necessary. Move past settling pushing forward to thriving. Striving for better and more.    

Believe in more.

In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul admonishes the Corinthians to not lose sight of who provided and to not become self-confident.  God provided for the Israelites at every step.  He parted the Red Sea, provided spiritual and appointed Moses as their leader. He was the Rock that was with them. God supplied and provided with the Israelites remaining blind. The Israelites could not see past where they had begun – Egypt.  They could not believe in more.  God provided for them throughout the desert.  He desired for them to believe in and achieve more.  The Israelites failed to see more.  In comparison, Rahab could see which is why she helped the spies.  She believed in better.  Taking the risk to achieve more and better.

Become better.

Do not make the same mistakes as the Israelites.  God blesses you to show who you are and whose you are.  He gives to empower and enable you to keep pressing forward.  Pressing forward to better and more.  The Israelites failed to achieve more and better.  Their failing to see resulted in many of them not reaching the Promised Land.  Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them; their bodies were scattered in the wilderness. -1 Corinthians 10:5   

Open your mind.   

What God gives equips you to keep pressing forward. Continue pressing forward to more – see more, be more, do more and become more.  God is watching to see how you will respond and act.  He wants you to strive for better and more.  Open your mind to becoming better and achieving more.    

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. -Hebrews 11:3