Stepping into Promise: Navigating Doubt, Embracing Faith


“For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed” (Hebrews 4:2, NIV).


The Israelites were at the boarder of the promised land.  At the entrance, seeing the abundance and beauty of the land.  It is their due season. Due season is time for realization of the promise. The Israelites should have been excited.

What is the response of the Israelites? Doubt and fear. Doubt and fear caused postponement of their promise. God had enough. The entrance is closed. They are turned away. God sends the Israelites to the desert. Giving them lemons.  Lemons where lemonade cannot be made.  They wander the desert for forty years. Many die off. God could not continue to support their lack of doubt, confidence, faith and trust

The people lacked hope, boldness and courage. Doubting impacted their outcome. God said “They shall never enter my rest” (Hebrews 4:3, NIV).  Obstinance and disobedience results in missed opportunity.  Missed opportunity is potential not utilized.


What is the application of this story to you? There is a promise for you. A purpose for your life. That purpose will require believing, not doubting and having faith. There will be challenges on the journey to the promise. You will face adversity. Adversity is overcome with trust.  Trusting in the word and promise. Pressing forward being confident in who you are and God.

Doubt empowers the challenge. Physical sight profoundly influences what is to be achieved. Magnifying adversity to make it seem larger than the promise.  Physical sight halts progression to the promise. Placing trust in the natural realm rather than the spiritual fosters doubt. Doubt is the result of adversity that cannot be avoided. Adversity is part of the process.


Promise requires effort.  Keep your focus on living in the pursuit of the promise which is your purpose.  Do not give obstacles more power than your purpose.  Apply trust, confidence and faith to the challenge. Being consistent in your actions will result in progression.  Accept who you and believe in your self-worth.  Have hope, optimism, and perseverance in the face of uncertainty. Push through and forward to seize your promise living in your purpose.