Starts with a Dream

Recall the stories of both Joseph and Jacob.  Jacob had a dream in which the Lord spoke to him. In Genesis 28:13-15, God in his dream made a promise to him that he and his descendants would be blessed.  His descendants would be numerous, spreading out all over the earth and that the land in which he was now lying upon would all be his.   God said he would watch over him and never leave him.  Understand this dream did not come to pass until much later; however, what is of paramount is that the dream became a reality.  Fast forward to Genesis 37, Joseph had a dream.  He dreamed that his sheaf would rise and stand upright, while the sheaves of his brothers would be gathered around his sheaf, bowing down.  Joseph dream foretold that he would be a ruler, a person of great authority.   As with Jacob, his dream did not immediately come to fruition, it took some time, approximately 14 years.  However, both Joseph and Jacob believed in the power of their dreams and the “I AM” that can make it possible.

As with Joseph and Jacob, you have a dream.  You must believe that your dream can be achieved.  What is required is your perseverance, consistency and persistency.  You cannot give up on your dream, becoming discouraged and discontent, because it does not happen immediately.  In life, timing is key.  You must be ready and be prepared for the dream before it can be realized.  A dream takes hard work, sweat and sacrifice.  Thus, you must be willing to accept the time, hardship and obstacles that occur between dream and fulfillment.  Dreams are possibilities and opportunities that are planted into your spirit.  Thus dream and allow yourself to dream big.  Do not place limits on what you can do and become.   Achievement and accomplishment all start with a dream.

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