Spiritual Sight Moves You Forward

In Mark 10:46-52, a blind beggar named Bartimaeus called out to Jesus. He said “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” -Mark 10:47 

Be bold.

Bartimaeus lacked physical sight; however, he had spiritual sight. He knew that Jesus could heal him.  He saw with his spirit. The spirit sees with hope and faith. Hope and faith provided Bartimaeus with the boldness to call out. Those around him, attempted to stop him. They sought to hinder him from calling out. The more others tried to stop him, the harder he called out. There was no stopping Bartimaeus. There was determination to press forward to seize his opportunity. An opportunity for healing to regain the sight of his physical eyes. Those around him were blind. They lacked his spiritual sight.  

Throw off what will hinder your progression.

Jesus stopped and called Bartimaeus to him.  Bartimaeus jumped up and threw off his coat.  He cast away what could have been have held him back.  Just as he cast away the people that sought to stop him. Jesus asked him what did he want.  He immediately answered “I want to see.” – Mark10:51 

Jesus stated go your faith has healed you.  Instantly the man was able to see. His sight restored.

Do not stop.

If Bartimaeus had listened to the people, keeping quiet, he would have missed his opportunity to see physically. He was steadfast in the pursuit of reaching Jesus. Bartimaeus pressed forward to gain what he sought. He knew he had to keep going. He could see what was achievable and obtainable. Like Bartimaeus do not allow physical sight to be a roadblock to your spiritual sight. The spirit sees the possibilities and opportunities. You must follow the spirit by taking the required action. It sees what your eyes cannot see. The spirit sees that which can be achieved. Let your spiritual sight take the lead. Sight of spirit empowers and enables pressing forward while sight of eyes creates roadblocks hindering progression. Concentrate to see with your spirit to identify and take the actions that will move you forward seizing your opportunities.