Small Things Make a Difference

Small is impactful.

It is the small things that make a big impact.  A little leaven leavens the whole batch of dough. -Galatians 5:9

The believers in the Galatian church outnumbered the Jews. The Jews being small in number were having a great impact on building on causing confusion and dissension.  The Jews were causing the Galatians to doubt Christ. Placing the law above Christ. Christ superseded the law.  This small group of Jews were causing a big conflict. 

Two lessons in this one scripture.

One, the power of one small step can lead to big results.  Thinking that taking a small action will not yield results, is not true.  A small step can be effective.  The small step must be strategically deployed making a significant impact.  The Jews were small in number but were like yeast in bread where only a small amount is required. They placed individuals in key places to spark disbelief in the Galatians. The placement of the individuals created indecisiveness and confusion in the Galatians. 

Two, be mindful of the company that you keep.  One person can cause your ship to sink.  An individual can cause you to lose sight of your vision.  Their actions can sabotage that which are seeking to accomplish.  Surround yourself with individuals that support and encourage you.  Individuals that are not followers but renegades. Renegades who are seeking to make a difference in effecting positive change. Individuals that will join and support you in your cause and passion.

Do not let the fallacy of small cause you to blindsided.  Small can be effective.  It can be impactful and make a difference.