See with Your Spirit

Don’t allow insufficiency to which you see with your physical eyes to place limits on what God has sowed within you. Use God’s eyes to see what is within you.  God knows what is within you.  He is your Creator so He knows what you can do.  Believe in the potential that is within you and allow it to be unleashed.  Within you is to be multiplied and expanded. It becomes possible when you believe.

Remove the limits.

In John 6:1-13, Jesus took five loaves of bread and two fish feeding five thousand.  The disciples were focusing on what they could only see.  The bread, fish and five thousand men.  However, Jesus was focusing on the Father.  He knew the Father could and would provide.  There are no limits on what God can do.

What is important to note is that Jesus first give thanks to the Father.  He thanked the Father and then distributed the food.  As with Jesus, give thanks to the Father believing in what He has planted within you. Jesus knew the Father would provide.  Just like Jesus, you must believe in the power of the Father.  Believe that He has planted in you all that you need to achieve success and obtain you vision.  You are not insufficient.  Express your gratitude to God and let Him work within you.  Believe in what can be.  

More than enough.

Know that God has no limits.  He has given you all that you need.  What you have is more than enough.  You have an abundance that is just waiting to be released and tapped into.  Stop focusing on what you see and instead allow your spirit to be your eyes.  You are more than you see.  Put your physical senses and eyes in the back seat and let your spirit take the lead.   Use God’s eyes to see.  His eyes see beyond what your physical eyes can see.  It is not what you see with your eyes but who you can seeing with your spirit.  

But by the grace of God, I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. -1 Corinthians 15:10.