See Beyond to Gain Sight

Seeing is not believing.  Seeing is believing in the unseen. 

Physical eyes do not see all that can be seen.

In the book of John, the people witnessed with their eyes the seven miracles performed by Jesus but still failed to believe and see.  The people saw with their physical eyes but still lacked sight.  The people failed to see beyond their physical eyes. You have to see using your spirit and intuition, not your eyes. Using your physical eyes limits all that you can see. You must open your mind by faith allowing you to see beyond your physical eyes.  That which is attainable is realized and achieved by focusing and using the power of your thinking.  What you think upon is what you will expand upon.  You must have the faith to believe in what can be possible.  Believing taps into the power of your thinking. The power of thinking develops and identifies the actions that must be executed to make what is intangible a reality. 

Take aim.

To make the unseen a reality will take time, effort and hard work.  Nothing worth obtaining is ever easy.  You must be willing to make sacrifices.  Take the consistent actions that will yield the big picture.  You must believe that the unseen is obtainable and achievable.  Take your aim at the unseen things.  Believing results in gaining sight. 

Moses prayed boldly in Exodus 33:18.   He said “I pray you, show me Your glory.”  Moses sought to see more.  Moses had seen the Lord at the burning bush, God writing on the plagues the ten commandments and providing for the Israelites in the desert.  He had seen much with his physical eyes but still sought more.  As with Moses, you must seek and desire to see more. Seeing more allows you to see beyond.  As you see more, you will take the limits off your thinking and tap into an unlimited source of power.  Power that will enable you to see and believe in the unseen.   Gaining sight beyond your physical eyes.