Release Your Song

2019 is coming to a close with the new year 2020 approaching that will be filled with challenges, opportunities, and obstacles.   I will call these bends in the roads in which we each have to travel.   You will need to determine how you will embrace each bend in your road.

A bend in the road is not the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn.  You will need to choose to make the turn, embracing what is ahead which may require you to become uncomfortable; however, being uncomfortable is where growth begins.   Being uncomfortable will lead to your becoming who you were created to be, tapping into your potential, adding value to yourself and this world.  For we are God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do – Ephesians 2:10. 

Before 2019 closes out, I  challenge each of you to reflect on four things:  One, what did you learn? Two, what can be improved?  Three, what did you do well?  Four, how do you plan to apply the answers to the previous three questions to your life?    A friend stated information without application leads to constipation.

In 2020, commit to growing, learning and your continued transformation.   James Allen states you cannot travel within and stand still without.    Refuse to be average,  go beyond becoming exceptional.   I say to each of us, there is a song that is within you, your greatness and potential.   Each of us is tasked with releasing our song, using that which we have been gifted.  Don’t leave this world, regretting not having released your song.    Don’t be like the man who was given a talent, instead of using his gift buried it in the ground.  When you bury your gift, failing to utilize, you are saying you do not believe in you and that which is within you.

Join me in 2020, making the commitment to follow your purpose and pressing forward to realize the full potential that resides within you.  Release your song, compiling your lyrics leading to making an impact in this world.