Qualified for the Call

During the days of Jesus’s life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death and he was heard because of his reverent submission. – Hebrews 5:7

Doing the will of his father would be painful and require suffering. Jesus had to be obedient. He is the son that had never been disobedient to his father. 

Why disobey?

In comparison, you and I disobey.  Disobey because being obedient is an inconvenience and does not fit into our plans.  It is not what we want it is what he wants.  You and I must be totally obedient to God’s will. Not conditionally obedient.

Through Jesus obedience, he became the pathway for salvation.  Obedience that had a reason. Jesus exalted as God purposed.  In comparison, disobedience has a cost. The cost is missing out on what God has planned for you. 

Outcome of Obedience

Through obedience you become qualified for the calling.  Jesus became qualified.  Qualified because he has compassion and understanding.  He understands the weakness of man.  Sympathizes with man because he was a man.  He was human suffering the same infirmaries of man.  You must become qualified.

Cries Ignored

God could have saved Jesus; however, this would have changed the plan for mankind.  The father had to ignore the cries not answering.  The father hears your cries. Cries for release from the pain and hardship. The pain and hardship that you must endure to get to his promise.  You must go through to become better to rise up to a higher level.  Being qualified.