Preparation First Then Favor Will Follow  

God spoke to Joseph.  He gave Joseph in a dream the assignment for his life.  He would one day rule over his family.  His family would bow down to him.  What did Joseph do? He ran to tell his brothers.  Telling his brothers resulted in the further validation of their envy, jealousy and dislike of him. Dislike and jealousy that caused Joseph to be sold into slavery.  Slavery that led to imprisonment.  Throughout his hardship, God was always with Joseph.  Just as God is with Joseph, He is with you.  God says,  “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.” -Hebrews 13:5

Joseph required preparation to receive God’s favor.  He needed seasoning and molding. He displayed immaturity running to tell his brothers his dream.  God was having a conversation with him.  His conversation with God was for his ears only. God was communicating to him of what was to come.  His immaturity showed he was not ready for favor.  He required preparation and molding that took fourteen years. 

Joseph required preparation for leadership.   The immature Joseph was self-centered and self-seeking. Qualities that are the kiss of death to a leader.  He lacked the skills and knowledge to take on the role and responsibilities for which God had planned for him.  He had to first learn one of the key ingredients of leadership – serving.    Joseph learned how to be a servant through imprisonment and slavery. He became equipped and built-up endurance allowing him to answer the call to duty. Once the preparation had finished its course, the mature Joseph emerged. The mature Joseph who was ready to receive his assignment. Joseph became a great leader in Egypt who was instrumental in saving his family as well as his people.    

Are you ready?

Take some time and reflect upon yourself.  You are becoming impatient because you feel and believe God is ignoring you.  He is not ignoring you.  Your struggles and storms are necessary to prepare you to realize your dream.  Your dream is not yet possible because first you require preparation to receive God’s favor. 

Consider it a great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance.  And let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.  -James 1:2-4