Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Potted vs. Planted

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I read a story about a man who had a conversation with gardener.  The man was walking through the garden where he noticed the potted plants and the planted trees in the garden. The gardener asked him to guess the age of the potted plants.  The man guessed that the potted plants were anywhere from 3-5 years old.  Next the man gazed upon the planted trees to which he assumed that the trees were the same age as the potted plants. The gardener dispelled this assumption, stating the trees were only a couple of months old. There is a major difference between potted versus planted. Which are you, potted or planted?

Recall the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-9.  Sower was sowing seed. Threw the seeds on different parts of the ground. Some seeds were eaten up by the birds, some fell on rocky places, some feel among thorns, and some fell on good soil.  The seed on good soil “It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty and some a hundred times.” –Mark 4:8 

As with the Sower, the seeds that you plant will be transformed resulting in multiplication and expansion.  What you sow today will grow over time.  You must determine how you cultivate and water.  You must see the limitless potential and opportunities.  Removing the barriers that you have placed in your mind.  Believe in your dreams and press forward to making them a reality.  Produce and believe in abundance and it will be realized.  Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant. – Robert Louis Stevenson  


5 thoughts on “Potted vs. Planted”

  1. Thank you as I walk 🚶‍♂️through this journey of life with God I am finding out that I am deeply rooted in God and I thank you for keeping me on my toes

  2. Yes we must remain focused and committed. Our potential is limitless as long as we believe and make the decision to be planted.

  3. Soo beautiful ❤️. I believe I will press info prayer for that beautiful impossible limitless power found in planted. A special prayer this week for the seeds, our roots and thorns all to grow whichever HE needs us the most even within the pot.

    Thank you for sharing

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5 thoughts on “Potted vs. Planted”

  1. Thank you as I walk 🚶‍♂️through this journey of life with God I am finding out that I am deeply rooted in God and I thank you for keeping me on my toes

  2. Yes we must remain focused and committed. Our potential is limitless as long as we believe and make the decision to be planted.

  3. Soo beautiful ❤️. I believe I will press info prayer for that beautiful impossible limitless power found in planted. A special prayer this week for the seeds, our roots and thorns all to grow whichever HE needs us the most even within the pot.

    Thank you for sharing

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5 thoughts on “Potted vs. Planted”

  1. Thank you as I walk 🚶‍♂️through this journey of life with God I am finding out that I am deeply rooted in God and I thank you for keeping me on my toes

  2. Yes we must remain focused and committed. Our potential is limitless as long as we believe and make the decision to be planted.

  3. Soo beautiful ❤️. I believe I will press info prayer for that beautiful impossible limitless power found in planted. A special prayer this week for the seeds, our roots and thorns all to grow whichever HE needs us the most even within the pot.

    Thank you for sharing

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