Path of Faith and Patience

And we desire for each one of you to show the same diligence so as to realize and enjoy the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you will not be sluggish but imitators of those who through faith and by patient endurance are inheriting the promise. -Hebrews 6:12-13

Follow the evidence

Follow the example of those who have paved a way.  Look at individuals of past and present. Be imitators of their strength and character. These individuals are the evidence that you can endure and withstand to achieve and realize your promise. Their path was not easy, neither shall it be for you.  You must keep going as they kept going.  Choosing to not give up.  Giving up to settle for less.   

Use the evidence

Their evidence validates what you can accomplish.  Use their evidence to empower you to keep going forward on the path of faith and patience.  Let the individuals be your guide. Their success motivating and inspiring you to keep going not giving in to anxiety and distress. You can endure.      

Make evidence into armor

Do not become impatience and discouraged.  Be diligent resulting in having assurance.  Hebrews 6 states to strive for full assurance.  Full assurance results in having high hope.  The higher the degree of assurance the stronger will be your armor of hope.  Armor that will equip you for the battles to realize your promise.  Remain on the path of faith and patience.  Remaining on the path will result in obtaining your promise.