Nothing is Impossible

“How can I be sure of this? I am old man and my wife is well along in years” (Luke 1:18, NIV).  Zechariah is skeptical. He and Elizabeth are elderly. Past the age to bear children.

Doubt feeds failing

You use similar words and have the same perspective as Zechariah.  Doubting God’s will and word. Making decisions and taking actions that are counterproductive to the promise. For no word from God will ever fail (Luke 1:37, NIV).

Doubt causes lack of determination. Not putting potential into action causing inertia. No activity due to life challenges and adversity. Life challenges and adversity are part of the process of God’s word coming to pass. The process that equips for the promise.


You are at the threshold of a new year with opportunities and possibilities. They are not just abstract notions.  They are tangible pathways leading to positive outcomes to be navigated using the vast reservoir of your potential.

90-Day Process

I challenge you to take these seven steps throughout the year.

  1. Identify three outcomes you want to realize in the next 90 days.
  2. What are opportunities would aid in realizing the outcomes?
  3. Determine actions and steps needed to create the opportunities.
  4. Establish a timeline with milestones to take the actions and steps to produce the outcomes.
  5. Incorporate accountability and commitment.
  6. Execute and evaluate process.
  7. Celebrate progress.

Rinse and repeat this 90-day process throughout this year. You will see progress.

Do not procrastinate and allow doubt to hold you back from moving forward. Believe in your vision. Look beyond what is visible. Have faith in what is possible. Zechariah and Elizabeth had a son in their old age. Nothing is impossible.