New Year Requires A New You

You are launching off into a new year – 2023.  A new year that requires a new you.  You cannot remain the same going into this new year.  You must leave behind things, people, places and thoughts that will hold you back from moving forward to achieve that which you desire.  The things or places may be nice and good; however, they that do not matter.  They are not required and needed to aid you in progressing.

Discard what holds you back

Apostle Paul discarded his heritage, his zeal to be a persecutor of the church, being self-righteous and his lineage from the tribe of Benjamin.  Abraham left behind his homeland, wealth and friends. Joseph had to discard pride as well anger and animosity towards his family. Moses turned his back on being an Egyptian.  There are many other examples.  You must leave behind a thing, mindset, place or people in order to progress. 

Take time to reflect upon what you need to discard.  Write it down on a paper.  Take the paper and throw it in the trash.  Next discard it.  Do not turn back.  Let it go. 

Press on to go forward.

Apostle Paul says it best.  Press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. – Philippians 3:12  You must press on to what is ahead leaving behind that which does not serve you in becoming better and a new you.  It is never easy giving up what you have grown accustomed.

You are in a new year.  A new year that requires a new you.  A new you that will equip and enable you to reach and soar to greater heights.  The you needed to move you from surviving to thriving. 

But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. – Philippians 3:13