Live for Him

Job is a good man. He is obedient and faithful to God. Honors and respects God.  His dedication to God does not exclude being tested.  Neither are your excluded from testing.

Satan has his eye on Job. Seeking to turn him from God. God had a hedge around Job.  Protecting and shielding him from the devil.  God does the same with you. Satan is always watching and waiting for the opportune time to strike. Testing faithfulness and obedience.  

Keep Rejoicing

Satan states Job is only faithful because of God’s blessings.  He thinks taking the blessings away will cause Job to turn against God. God responds, “Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man, himself do not lay a finger” (Job 1:12, NIV).  Satan is ecstatic.  He immediately wipes away all Job’s assets and his family.  Placing Job in despair.  His despair does not cause him to abandon God. Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing (Job 1:22, NIV).  Job remains committed to God. Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4, NIV).

Satan will not give up

Satan digs in his heals. He requests a second attempt. He states to God, “Skin for skin! A man will give all he has for his own life (Job 2:4). Satan afflicts Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.  Job is now in deep distress and pain.  Job does not curse God. He curses himself.

Remain Humble

Job does not hide his affliction.  He sits outside for anyone to see.  Sits on the ground and uses a piece of broken pottery to scrap his skin.  He sat among the ashes (Job 2:8, NIV).  Sitting in ashes speaks to humility.  In your challenges, do not hide.  Let others see to learn with you.

Move Forward

The story of Job cumulates in a conversation with God.  God explains that he is the power and the creator.  The life of every person is in accordance to his will and authority. God purposes and plans the life of every person. You remain faithful, enduring the tests and trials becoming better.  Becoming better by learning and the application of wisdom gained.  Building character, increasing knowledge of God and magnifying your faith.  Overcome challenges to move forward being the person God intended. Living for him and not self. Tested to die to self to live for him.

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it (Matthew 17:25, NIV).