Listen and Follow to Receive What You Want

God talks to you.  He tells you what to do.  Do you follow?  Are you listening? 

“Do whatever he tells you,” his mother told the servants. -John 2:5.  This is what Jesus’ mother told the servants when the wine ran out at the wedding banquet.  His mother went to The Source who she knew could provide.  She went to the fountain – Jesus.   Jesus turned water that filled six thirty-gallon jars into wine.  God has the power to take what you have to produce what you need.  He is the Provider and Way Maker.  In order to receive you must be obedient. 

God owes you nothing.

You mess up thinking that God owes you an explanation.  God owes you no explanation for how He will work in your life.  It is for you to be obedient and follow what He is doing.  He requires that you be obedient.  When you are obedient you have the opportunity to experience Him at a deeper level.   You feel him with your spirit instead of trying to see him with your physical senses and eyes. 

Follow Him.

The servants at the banquet followed the instructions of Jesus as directed.  The wine Jesus produced was fine wine.  The wine that the guests had earlier was inferior to the wine that Jesus created.  When God touches something, He makes it great.   You want great; however, you are not willing to listen and follow instructions.  Instead, you seek to make it happen as you want and when you want.  This is where you go wrong.  Go wrong receiving inferior instead of superior.   Let God lead and you follow.    

For Him to lead, you have to be quiet and listen.  This means that you have to set aside time to just be still.  Be still and clear your mind of all thoughts.  Allow God to spend time with you so that you can receive the instructions.  Instructions that will turn your water into wine.  Wine that is great as compared to average.  Don’t mess up at achieving greatness due to disobedience and failing to listen.  God can provide what you need using what you have so that you can realize and achieve vision, walking in your purpose.  You must listen and follow instructions.  Take time this week to reflect upon how you are listening and following. 

Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord” and don’t do the things I say?” – Luke 6:46