Life is Challenges

Life challenges are a part of life.  There are no escaping challenges. Challenges are the results of stressors that cause stress.  Equip yourself to withstand the stress. You can bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising by identifying methods that will enable you to cope. This means that you must tap into your inner strength to get through.  Believing in what is within you and who is with you. 

Claim it.

God does not make mistakes and he does not lie.  He knew you before you were in the womb.  He established the plan for your life.  It is for you to claim that plan. 

There is a purpose.

Claiming that plan requires that you endure and overcome life challenges.  One way to cope is reframing the life challenges.  Instead of seeing the challenges as obstacles see the challenges as problems to solve.  Problems with a purpose.  The purpose is for you to discover. It is the purpose that equips you to keep going through the journey.   


It took Joseph fourteen years to realize his dream.  During those fourteen years, he endured many challenges.  Esther did not become queen overnight.  It took preparation.  Both had challenges but were able to cope resulting in growth.  Just like Joseph and Esther, endurance and growth will result in realizing your promise.

For you have need of patient endurance so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised. -Hebrews 10:36