Let Us Return to Building Communities

One is too small a number to achieve greatness and make a difference.  Building and creating communities are vital to causing change in this world. Communities result in unification so we can be impactful and significant.   We are to collaborate, connect and seek to be of service. Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts.  For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10   It is better to have someone walking with you than walking alone. There is power in numbers.   

Let’s review the history of communities. They are impactful and powerful. One, in the book of Nehemiah the Jews were in great distress because of their exile from Israel.  The Jews returned to a homeland that had been destroyed and in great disrepair. Nehemiah led a movement resulting in community development. The people joined together and collaborated to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in fifty-two days. Through community, the people became unified and created a formidable force to withstand their enemies and allow them to persevere. Two, community supported fulfilling the Great Commission.  Jesus picked a core of twelve disciples that multiplied into many leading to the birth of the church and spreading the gospel.

I reflect back on the power of community as a child. My neighborhood was a community where neighbors helped and protected one another.  No household or person lacked or suffered. Today we have gone astray because solidarity, love and compassion is missing. This world is lacking communities. People collaborating and working together resulting in growing and thriving. We must return to building and creating communities. Collectively we can achieve greatness and accomplish much.

2 thoughts on “Let Us Return to Building Communities”

  1. Some powerful words.Yes, So many look elsewhere for help instead of their community. We need to remember like our parents or grandparents realized Church and community are experts in helping especially during times of trouble and can empower us.

    It also reminds me how the holy spirit connects us all th u fellowship too and we know Romans 8:28
    Referencing God working for the good of those that love him. Essentially a community of believers connecting to help everyone and everything.

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