Lean Into Your Internal Strength – The Spirit

You must exercise and utilize your internal strength that only the Spirit can provide.   Apostle Paul endured much hardship and pain, not giving up on his commitment to his calling.   His struggles did not cause him to abandon his purpose and mission.  Paul was persecuted, beaten, left for dead, hungry and homeless.  Still, he persisted and remained dedicated.  

Keep forging ahead…

Paul wrote to the Ephesians telling the people that they must continue to press forward.  Giving up was not an option.  He stated to them to not fret over his afflictions because he surely did not.    Paul knew that he had the strength within to keep forging ahead.  He had the Spirit. The Spirit provided power, giving him the strength and fortitude that enabled him to keep pressing forward. His cause outweighed any hardship he had to endure.  

As with Paul, you will go through struggles, trials and hardships.  Facing and having to endure pain.  You may think it is unbearable; not being able to press through.  You can move forward.  Use your internal strength and power — The Spirit– to provide you with the fuel to continue.  You must continue and follow through with your plans and strategies. Know and believe that your cause is worthy of the struggles that you must endure.

Fight becoming paralyzed…

You cannot allow obstacles to make you paralyzed.  You have the Spirt that is your inner strength and power to keep you moving.  Lean in to your power, not giving up on your vision and purpose.  I pray that he may grant you, according to the richness of his glory, to be strengthened with power in your inner being through his Spirit. – Ephesians 3:16 

Be not faint or grow weary in your pursuit of moving forward.