Lean In to the Promise and Have Faith

In 2 Kings 17:8-16, Elijah approached a widow asking her for food.  The land was experiencing a great famine.  The widow planned to cook what she had left and here was Elijah asking her for bread and water.  She stated to Elijah that what she had left was just enough to prepare a last meal for her and her son.    After eating, they were preparing to die.   Elijah stated to her “Don’t be afraid.  Go home and do as you have said.  But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son.” – 2 Kings 17:13

This widow faced a great test of her faith and obedience.  She was down to her last provisions of food and this man that she did not even know was asking her to give him what she had.  What she had was for her and son.  Enough for a last meal.  She faced an inward battle over being obedient.  However, obedient she was.  She obeyed and leaned in the promise as well as her faith.  Matthew 6:33 states “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”    Seek God first and the rest will be provided and given to you. The widow sought to follow, leaning in.  Because of her faith, her food provisions did not dry up.  After feeding Elijah she still had food for her and her son.  Her provisions kept on coming.   

As with the widow, you will need to lean in.  Do not disbelief due to your not being able to see with your eyes.  Your eyes are not able to able to comprehend or understand what your spiritual eyes can see.   Lean in to the promise and have faith.