Keep Going

There is no going back, only forward.  You are in the final lap of completing the race for 2023. Keep going through the opposition and struggle.  Use the adversity to fuel your forward motion. Keeping going forward to reach your goal for 2023.  Gather your thoughts to strategize on steps and actions to yield the desired results.  You may need to make changes in the actions.  Make the adjustments and keep going.

Use the challenges to make you stronger.  Change the perspective.  The roadblocks are the evidence that you are close to achieving success.  Commit to the process and you will hit your target.

Follow the plan.

In Exodus 12:31-32, Pharaoh comes to his senses to release the Israelites.  The release is not the end. There is more to accomplish. The people must keep moving forward. The Isrealites come to the final act for Pharaoh. God hardens Pharaoh’s heart to chase after the Israelites. He traps them at the Red Sea. Pharaoh is salivating with victory. The Israelites have no place to hide or run.  The Israelites are terrified.  They say to Moses, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die?” (Exodus 14:11, NIV)

Do not stop.

The Israelites see defeat and death. Pharaoh sees victory. The Israelites cry out to God. God said “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on” (Exodus 14:15, NIV).  The Israelites must keep going, believing in the outcome. They faced opposition which caused doubt. Doubting God and his word. His power and strength. Not having hope and faith.  

Do not have the same mindset as the Israelites. Stop looking at the opposition and struggle.  Keep your focus on the outcome. Be motivated by the target to continue pressing forward. Do not stop.  A way will be made for you to reach your target.

God parted the sea delivering the Israelites from Pharaoh and drowning Pharaoh’s army.  The Israelites went through the sea on dry ground (Exodus 14:22, NIV). The dry ground is evidence of what God will do for you. He paves a way for you to reach your target. Target achieved by God’s power and your determination. You are to keep going and you will reach your target for 2023.