It Shall Come to Pass

Know that you are worthy to receive the blessings God has planned for your life.  Know that you are loved and that the promises God has for your life are true. God does not lie, his word is pure. In Isaiah 65:24 God says “And it shall come to pass”.  God is stating that he has plans for you.  He has blessings in your name, you need to stand on his promises and believe.  The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands.  The LORD will make you the head, not the tail.” (Deuteronomy 28:12-13) God is saying your life will be filled and overflowing with blessings, everything you put your hand to will be blessed. You must believe in yourself and believe in the talents and gifts planted within you.

You have talent and gifts that are just waiting to be watered and fed, leading to your reaching your potential. Believe that you can and you will. Believe that you are worthy of the blessings God has for you. Every trial or storm that you endure will pass and fade, you will receive the promises God has for your life. God has stated what he has for you will come to pass.


Recall the story of Esther, she was an orphan who blossomed into the Queen of over 127 provinces. She went from rags to riches, she did not doubt her beauty or herself. She was instrumental in thwarting the plot in having her people (the Jews) annihilated. “You were created on purpose for a purpose. There is a thirst and hunger in your heart that is real. Pay attention to it.” – Les Brown

Your thoughts control what you believe and the impact of your success.  If you constantly think that it will not come to pass then it will not. Let your thoughts be positive, believing in God’s promises and words.  Set your mind on becoming that person to which you can become, bearing the fruit.  Let the seeds within you blossom and grow. You must open your mind to believing in yourself and the power of the Lord.  Tap into who you are, who is within you and it will be. Take the time and energy to invest in yourself. Continue growing and learning. In the journey of your life, you must continue to evolve and grow.  Let the potential that is within you, become. Believe in God’s words “And it shall come to pass.







