It Is Your Time to Rise Up

You have endured exiled, going through the storm and crisis.  Now it is time for you to rise up.  The time is for renewal, restoration and transformation. God said in Ezekiel 36:10 “Cities will be inhibited and the ruins rebuilt.  God restores and rebuilds.  You will be stronger and better. The Lord have spoken and He will do it. – Ezekiel 36:36

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to its knees; however, restoration is on the horizon.  It is time for us to rise up.  The pandemic has added to your resilience and character.  You will have a new heart and new spirit.  Renewing my heart of stone, replacing it with a heart of flesh.  – Ezekiel 36:26.  God placed His Spirit in each of us being our guidance counselor empowering and enabling us to preserve.    

God is returning us all together again.  He is restoring us. As with the Valley of the Day of Bones, He restored the bones into a vast army breathing life in their shells.  He restored and revived.  As He did with bones, God is doing with us.   We have been cut off from one another but restoration is coming. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. – Ezekiel 36:21

Are you ready for restoration?  Are you still looking back on the past? Yearning for what was or are you ready to embrace the new.  Being better, stronger and transformed.  Don’t look back, look forward to the new spirit and heart that God has placed within you.  It is time for you to Rise Up!

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