It is Not about Winning but the Fight

It is not about winning but giving your best in the fight. Apostle Paul stayed that “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” – 2 Tim 4:7.  His focus was not on winning the fight but how well he fought in the fight.  The world makes you believe that games, war and battle is about winning.  Do not fall into the trap of believing in this fallacy. It is not about winning because it is about your skill as a fighter. Giving and being your best.  Being all in.  

Apostle Paul lost his life for his cause, enduring much. He continued to persevere with the odds against him.  His goal was to be the best fighter he could be for Christ.  His goal was to fight the good fight knowing that he had run his best race.  He knew that the battle was full of peril and hardship.  It was a battle he knew that he would not be victorious but where his focus was to be powerfully impactful. He was determined to give his best. He understood that the odds were against him and he was in the minority. His fight was to change the hearts and minds of mankind. His persistent paid off. He made a difference and was impactful. Apostle Paul fought and gave his best. He was instrumental in spreading the gospel and authoring many of the books in the New Testament.

Give Your Best

The same goes for you.  Focus on the fight, giving your best which will make you a winner.  Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your strength. -Ecclesiastes 9:10