Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Inner and External Harmony Together Produces Completion

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Striving for harmony within yourself and with others is a noble pursuit.  Harmony does not equate to complacency. True harmony is found in a state of peace and love, where you navigate relationships with understanding and empathy. You may not always agree with everyone.  Embracing love for every individual, regardless of differences, mirrors the unconditional love of God. God created every person to be separate, unique and a relational being.

Now, let’s delve into the two facets of harmony: inner harmony and external harmony.

External Harmony

External harmony is your relationships with others. Harmony does not mean that there will be no conflict. You work together to create synergies that yield efficiencies and greater outcomes.  Complimenting and not competing.

Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:2, encourages Euodia and Syntyche to make peace.  “I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord” (Phil 4:2, NIV).

Agree to disagree.  Respecting differences not ridiculing differences.  Do not allow differences to cause division instead of unification. God did not create individuals to be the same. He created every person to be free and autonomous. Created to compliment fostering collaborations and partnerships.  God created individuals to be in community.  We are relational beings. Relational beings who are gifted, equipped with free will and strength.  Respect what is within each other to collectively join forces being impactful to make a difference.

Inner Harmony

To be in harmony with self requires acceptance. Self-awareness of values and beliefs that are independent of others.  Values that feed self-confidence and self-efficacy.  Having a strong sense of self-belief. Rejoicing and embracing the person that you are. You must understand and accept your strengths. Maximizing the use of your capabilities to maximize your potential.


Inner and external harmony empowers you to lead a life of tranquility.  Embrace your uniqueness to fulfill the purpose for which you are created. Focus on completion over competition. Completion diminishes conflict to foster a more balanced and peaceful existence.



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